by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
How can this really work? [That’s what I thought about hypnosis before working with you.] At first it was weight loss, then I signed up for a Grace Space account so I could access the library of hypnosis. I was gaining and gaining weight and thought this may be due to...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I was kind of scared but fascinated. Negative thinking and losing weight after baby / I thought I was stuck with the baby weight for ever. The 21 days Mental Bootcamp was literally life changing. It help me realise I was in control of my thoughts and of my life. I was...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I didn’t really see [hypnosis] as effective. I have been looking for additional tools to cope with my general stress and anxiety, and to help me deal with a toxic relationship in my life. I am also looking to improve my health and I have a weight loss goal....
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I had always struggled with my weight, and had been successful at losing 50+ lbs but was “parked” at about 20lbs over my goal. I KNEW it was mental, my relationship with food was NOT good and MORE than losing the 20lbs I wanted to resolve my relationship...