by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I didn’t really know much about [hypnosis] except what I’ve seen on TV – mostly trying to help witnesses remember details from crimes. My son passed away suddenly and I was trying to reassimilate my whole world it felt like. It’s been almost two years since I first...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I thought [hypnosis] was like what you see on TV…a little weird and that you don’t have control of yourself. My thoughts were that you get under a “spell” of some sort! I knew that my inner voice always told me I can’t get what I really want or that I am...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
My thoughts on hypnosis were that it’s a lot of weird things we needed to go through, but I knew that a friend of my had many results to heal her wrong eating habits. I thought that if it would help her with that it might help me too after I tried everything...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I didn’t have any strong feelings about [hypnosis]. The only prior association I had with it was past life regression. I suppose my assumption was that this was the primary purpose of hypnosis. I also was somewhat aware of stage hypnosis, but it was mostly an...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I was almost afraid of [hypnosis]. I thought it was either a fake magic trick or a way for mind control. I had panic attacks and severe anxiety, constantly fearing that something bad might happen. I wanted to fix myself and be calm so I can enjoy life. Grace’s...