by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I was unbiased. I had no real opinion. As a yoga teacher I had been using meditation for a few years so I knew there was something to [hypnosis], I just hadn’t experienced it for myself. I have had a few sessions for different challenges. Including: weight loss,...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I didn’t “buy it”.. or I thought even if [hypnosis] works for some people, I wouldn’t be one of those people. I was extremely skeptical. Major anxiety issues, which were causing me to have frequent insomnia [were issues I wanted to fix with...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I knew nothing about hypnosis before starting, and only knew of “stage hypnosis,” and wasn’t sure how it was going to work in a therapy setting. I was open to trying and had no preconceived notions beforehand. I was actually hoping it was more like...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I had no idea what [hypnosis] was. I mean I knew sort of, but I didn’t think it was a real thing that worked. I thought of someone actually being hypnotized like when someone dangles something in front of their face and says “you are getting very...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
[I thought hypnosis] was mind control. Emotional ups and downs, needing to feel more confident in myself, being happy again. I wanted to fix these because it did not feel like I was living my life. I felt like I was just on autopilot. My name is Lea and I was...