Marissa Hanson

I had tried self hypnosis in the past based on books or articles I had read, but I struggled to do it on my own without guidance. Depression and Anxiety [were the issues I wanted to address with hypnosis]. I was severely depressed, unemployed, and living in my...

Winona Verlander

I was a little skeptical about hypnosis because I had taken a group class with about 75 people in a room to stop a behavior.  I was so distracted by noises in room and had absolutely no effect, but when I saw Grace’s post for free 3 minute hypnosis I decided to...

Andy Thomspon

I thought you would be “put under” and be under the control of the therapist….Or totally hokey and wouldn’t work at all. Anxiety and anger/mood swings [were the issues I wanted to fix with hypnosis]. I do not like the the way I...

Becca Dobson

I didn’t really have a strong preconceived notion of hypnosis. The word did, however, bring to mind an image of a somewhat spooky man with a pendulum saying “You are getting very sleepy..”. So, without having given much thought to hypnosis, that...

Dana Franklin

I did not know anything about [hypnosis], but, probably [I was] skeptical. I was actually googling guided meditations and happened upon [Grace Smith]! Severe depression and anxiety brought on by a sudden estrangement of my son [were issues I wanted to address with...