
January 6, 2014 is an important date for me. It’s the date that, via the help and teaching of Grace Smith, I took my power back. In doing so, it was if I was reborn. You can’t go up the mountain and not come down the other side a changed being. I am still Leah; I...

Kathy Perretta

I was curious [about hypnosis] but had no idea the profound effect it would have on my life. [I wanted to address] sleep, anxiety, procrastination.  I am working on my own business and working outside the home part-time, and I’d really like to build my...

Ben Robinson

I was slightly skeptical about hypnosis before I saw a periscope broadcast that [Grace Smith] did. I had an issue with confidence and really wanted to fix it as I have had to do performances singing and didn’t want confidence to affect how my performance was. I...

Bobby Gosvener

[I thought hypnosis was a] last resort after years CBT, 2 rounds of EMDR. Meditation, bio-feedback to manage PTSD. PTSD was leading. Line of Duty Injury as a firefighter trying to relaunch a new career. I’ve tried everything with trying to calm the brain from...

Erica Stauffer

I had never experienced hypnosis but was open to it. I was in the process of quitting my “day job” and pursuing my passion of being a doula and student midwife. I was scared that I didn’t have enough experience to be successful and was afraid to...