Carrie Hammer

Grace and her work have helped me optimize my life and realize some of my greatest business and personal visions. Her work is groundbreaking and anyone who is looking to tap their greatest potential should look into hypnosis.

Kathy Perretta

I was curious [about hypnosis] but had no idea the profound effect it would have on my life. [I wanted to address] sleep, anxiety, procrastination.  I am working on my own business and working outside the home part-time, and I’d really like to build my...

Bobby Gosvener

[I thought hypnosis was a] last resort after years CBT, 2 rounds of EMDR. Meditation, bio-feedback to manage PTSD. PTSD was leading. Line of Duty Injury as a firefighter trying to relaunch a new career. I’ve tried everything with trying to calm the brain from...

Marissa Hanson

I had tried self hypnosis in the past based on books or articles I had read, but I struggled to do it on my own without guidance. Depression and Anxiety [were the issues I wanted to address with hypnosis]. I was severely depressed, unemployed, and living in my...

Lisa Brecht

Uncertain/dubious but open [– that’s how I felt about hypnosis]. Trusting my intuition to cement my belief in myself and my ability to enact magic in my life. I’m trusting my gut feelings way more — I even said no to a higher paying job, because it did NOT feel...