Ricky Panick

Always curious about [hypnosis]. Saw [Grace Smith] on Periscope and was actually able to be hypnotized for the first time in my life! Being able to relax. Being able to think positively Well, the success story is very short because I’ve been unable to afford the...

Marsha Carpenter

I was very open to [hypnosis], did not doubt that would work. I had several. So Grace Smith and I worked one at a time normally the one that was pressing the most. [Hypnosis] is incredible. The sessions are very powerful and [hypnosis] immediately take me to a place...

Mark Gooding

I had used hypnosis before as an aid to relaxation, so I did have an understanding of it, though never specific to my performance in sport. The challenge for me was competition nerves; my sport of freediving depends upon being in the most relaxed state as possible to...