by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
My sessions with Grace have been so enlightening. She has taught me how to connect with myself and trust who I truly am. Grace is always available to provide guidance and support. She makes it easy to open up and be yourself. Her calming demeanor is so soothing and...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I was interested in [hypnosis] but had never tried it. I didn’t believe the usual bad TV displays which give it a bad name. Fear of public speaking: I was asked to present information during a two day business seminar As a regular periscope watcher, within a day...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I had no idea that [hypnosis] was real and actually worked. I had been asked to give a presentation on behalf of an association – I hadn’t worked with them before and I didn’t know the people I was presenting to. There “happened” to be a...