Bobby Gosvener

[I thought hypnosis was a] last resort after years CBT, 2 rounds of EMDR. Meditation, bio-feedback to manage PTSD. PTSD was leading. Line of Duty Injury as a firefighter trying to relaunch a new career. I’ve tried everything with trying to calm the brain from...


I had no [thoughts about hypnosis before working with you]. I needed something to calm my mind from being on alert for 20 plus years as a paramedic in the streets, communications, flight paramedic, and retired fire officer for PTSD. As we all know, post-traumatic...

Blaze Bell

Addiction, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Fear [were issues I wanted to fix with hypnosis]. I survived a very violent home invasion sexual assault by a masked man years ago. The events of that day changed my brain. I suddenly lived in constant fear and trusted no...