Danny Franklin

I didn’t expect [hypnosis] to be so powerful. In fact, my experience was a little different. I didn’t know what I wanted to fix. It was December 31 and I wanted to enter this year practicing meditation. At 23:30 I put myself on the floor but didn’t...

Jennifer Oliver

[My thoughts on hypnosis were that it] was used to remember repressed traumatic memories. Social Anxiety [was the issue I wanted hypnosis to fix]-It was challenging to be around groups of people. About 4 years ago, I had one hypnosis session with a local practitioner...

Frances Shurley

I believed [hypnosis] could work. Stress; [I wanted hypnosis] to relieve it and calm down. After watching Grace Smith and doing her online techniques to reduce stress, it works. I found myself at a much lower level of stress than when we started. I recommend Grace...

Aparna Venkataraman

Even having studied psychology, and now being a spiritual person, I was hesitant to use hypnosis because of the lack of control I felt I would have. I wanted to resolve anxiety that I had my entire life and be able to calm myself down effectively in the moment. Right...

Kim Register

I wasn’t too familiar with [hypnosis] prior to hearing [Grace Smith] on Periscope and feeling so relaxed at my stressful job. It was an outlet for me to decompress and not lose my shit. Mine has been very recent. Danny J created her LifeAF program; which I desperately...