by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I love the magnitude of issues that hypnosis can alter. I want to be the best version of myself I can be. Yanina (the hypnotist) took me back to 3 childhood memories. As ghastly as they were I felt totally supported. I uncovered where my feeling of not being good...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I was unbiased. I had no real opinion. As a yoga teacher I had been using meditation for a few years so I knew there was something to [hypnosis], I just hadn’t experienced it for myself. I have had a few sessions for different challenges. Including: weight loss,...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
[Before working with you, I thought hypnosis would] be an effective way of using the mind to reinvent the way our thoughts get programmed in as we go about life experiences. I have had issues with self-love and seizures from head injuries. I have really wanted to gain...
by getgrace | Mar 22, 2018
I didn’t really have thoughts on hypnosis one way or another, to be honest. It had never really landed on my radar. But once I discovered you through Danny (I think!) and you explained hypnosis to us as just “Meditation with a Goal,” I became super...