Folake Oyegbola

I didn’t think much about [hypnosis]. I imagined that it was beneficial for some people. Self-doubt. There was this fear of not being able to do the things I wanted in life. Lots of mind chatter talking me out of things. My story isn’t huge but whenever I...

Georgia Nicolaou

I was almost afraid of [hypnosis]. I thought it was either a fake magic trick or a way for mind control. I had panic attacks and severe anxiety, constantly fearing that something bad might happen. I wanted  to fix myself and be calm so I can enjoy life. Grace’s...

Amanda Rickert

I thought [hypnosis] was a scary concept because I’ve only seen hypnotists who hypnotize students to do silly acts at a school assembly in the auditorium. I thought they didn’t have control over themselves because they said they couldn’t remember any...

Krista Haywood

I didn’t have many thoughts about [hypnosis]. It did seem like something strange and woo woo. Nothing that I thought would help me. My anxiety. I can remember being 4 or 5 and going to the movies with my grandmother weekly, and I can remember being so worried...


I was skeptical and thought there is no way [hypnosis] can work but I tried it [hypnosis] any way I want to fix panic attacks and negativity in my life. I decided to change because I was frustrated and scared of calling the ambulance every couple of days. I’ve...