Overview: Are you considering becoming a certified hypnotherapist? Learn what it takes to get certified and how you can launch a career in hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy certification offers numerous benefits for health and wellness professionals.

For example, if you already own a thriving practices, becoming a certified hypnotherapist allows you to expand on your services and add credibility. Or if you’re looking into a career change, certification helps you get started on the right foot.

Why Get Certified? 

Ultimately, a hypnotherapy certification program provides hands-on training in providing hypnotherapy. You learn the science of hypnosis, advanced techniques, and gain valuable networking opportunities. After completing the program, you’ll be in the best place to build a successful hypnotherapy business.

Certification allows you to learn new techniques and become an expert in delivering hypnotherapy to clients.

What Is Hypnotherapy Certification?

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Several trade groups and professional associations self-monitor and evaluate the hypnotherapy industry like the International Hypnosis Federation.

These governing agencies set baseline requirements for practicing hypnotherapy and hypnotherapy certification. To earn a certification, you must meet these basic guidelines (which is about 250 hours or more of coursework and in-person training).  

Certification isn’t just a credential. When you pursue a hypnotherapy certification course, you gain a wide range of relevant skills. A certified hypnotherapist will be able to:

  • Demonstrate expertise in the subconscious mind
  • Personalize hypnosis to help clients reach goals
  • Utilize advanced hypnotherapy techniques for stress relief, addiction, weight loss and much more

These are just a few of the skills that certification offers, and fortunately, anyone who is interested in helping people can pursue certification. There are no prerequisites. All you need is dedication and the desire to learn.  

Grace’s Hypnotherapy Journey

Believe it or not, our founder Grace Smith was a hypnosis skeptic at one time.

Initially, she heard from a friend of a friend that hypnosis to quit smoking was an effective solution. She tried it, and something clicked. After one session, Grace had quit smoking. To her, it seemed like a miracle, and the experience awakened a sense of fascination in the subject.

After that initial session, Grace wanted to learn more about hypnosis, and she wanted to know the science of how hypnotherapy works

She took a hypnotherapy certification course, and it changed her life forever.

This course allowed her to start a career that was more aligned with her desire to help people live their best lives. And it helped her begin to become a subject matter expert.

To date, Grace has helped thousands of people with hypnotherapy, and these days, her clients include Fortune 500 CEOs, professional athletes, TV personalities, and business visionaries.

In short, anyone can become an expert in hypnotherapy. Whatever drives your interest in hypnosis — whether you’re a holistic practitioner looking to expand your business, or you’re just curious about using self-hypnosis in your own life like I was — following a hypnotherapy certification program will help you achieve your goals.

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Do I Need to Become a Certified Hypnotherapist?

There are numerous reasons you might be interested in studying hypnotherapy. You might want to use hypnosis in your life, or you might be an established holistic practitioner that wants to expand your skillset.

Since launching the Grace Method hypnotherapy school, we’ve noticed four common reasons people choose to study hypnosis:

1. Existing Hypnotherapists Who Want Additional Training

The field of hypnosis continues to expand and grow, and new techniques are always coming up. In other words, there’s always room to learn something new and expand your skills in hypnotherapy.

Often times, hypnotherapists come to us feeling like their initial training was inadequate.  

By following the Grace Method program, they can expand their skills and service offerings. In addition, a new certification helps them distinguish their practices. Clients recognize and value credentials. The more credentials you have, the more trustworthy you are to clients.

2. Holistic Practitioners Who Want to Expand Their Services

Do you already own a healing or holistic medicine practice?

Maybe now, you’re ready to expand your skills so you can offer additional services to your clients. A hypnotherapy certification can help already established practices grow and earn new clients.

Through a certification program, you can become an expert in a particular field. For example, you might gain hands-on experience in using hypnosis for stress relief or learn new anxiety hypnotherapy techniques.

3. People Who Feel A Calling to Help Others

Many of our students say they feel an overwhelming urge to empower and help people, but they might be stuck in careers that just don’t align with that goal.

In fact, we’ve had numerous students enroll after leaving corporate jobs, because they wanted to give back and help others.

That’s why certification can be such a valuable tool. A good hypnotherapy school builds your domain knowledge from the ground up. You learn the philosophies of why/how it works, techniques you need to practice, and the skills and expertise to grow a sustainable business.

4. People Who Want to Learn Everything There is to Know

Maybe you’ve read all the hypnotherapy books you can get your hands on. Or you might have had a positive experience with a hypnotherapist or by listening to a self-hypnosis app. Now, you want to learn everything about the subject. How it works? Why it works? The techniques for making hypnotherapy effective.

You might not even have plans to start a business. Instead, you want to learn hypnosis for your own personal benefit. This is another common reason people pursue certification.  

The Growing Interest in Hypnosis

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Here’s another reason to pursue certification: Interest in hypnotherapy is at all-time highs. Established professionals with these skills have the most to gain from this coming boom.

About 15 to 20 years ago, yoga and meditation were considered “weird” or even “quackery” by a majority of Americans. Today, they’re commonplace. Yoga studios have opened in every city and town, and meditation apps and mindfulness coaches have gone mainstream.

The same is about to happen with hypnosis. For one, respected research hospitals have begun to take hypnotherapy seriously. Yale, Stanford and The Mayo Clinic are actively researching the science of hypnosis, and promising evidence is being published in some of the most respected journals in the world.  

Not to mention, hypnotherapy is now being covered today in the pages of Marie Claire, Vogue; on TV shows like The Doctors; and on just about every health-and-wellness publication on the web. People are taking notice. This once-whack subject is earning back its credibility.

Slowly but surely, hypnosis is earning acceptance by the general public. That’s why it’s such a great time to pursue a certification; certification shows you take the subject seriously and have shown the drive to build your expertise.

Why Hypnotherapy Certification Matters 

With all this attention on hypnotherapy, the rules and governing bodies that monitor the industry are starting to take things more seriously.

This evolution is a lot like what we saw with chiropractic medicine in the past. Not long ago, chiropractors weren’t taken seriously, and really, to call yourself a chiropractor, you didn’t need much education at all.

Now, you have to pursue a four-year degree to practice, and it’s only a matter of time before the same will happen in our industry.

All those weeklong “certification” courses and day-long seminars just won’t continue to hold weight. In fact, many of the certified hypnotherapists who didn’t pursue a refutable program may be in danger of losing their credentials.

Evolving Standards

Today, many of the most respected hypnotherapy associations and trade groups — like the International Association of Counselors & Therapists and the International Hypnosis Federation — say a minimum of 250 hours of coursework and training is the gold standard.

That’s why as you consider options, it’s so important to recognize the signs and factors that make for a quality hypnotherapy education. The best schools align their coursework to the IHF and ACT standards.

Tips for Choosing the Best Hypnotherapy School

Finding a quality hypnotherapy school can be a challenge because there are so many options available to you. You’ll find weekend courses promising certification, or online courses taught by less-than-reputable “instructors.”   

Which courses are reputable, accepted by the industry, and designed to help you launch a successful business?

The Grace Method hypnotherapy school was developed with these standards in mind. Our program offers in-depth hands-on training, networking opportunities, and tools to build your business.

There are some key indicators of quality hypnotherapy training programs:

1. Quality Coursework

Start by examining the coursework. The best programs start from the ground up. You’ll learn about the subconscious mind and basic hypnosis techniques. Then, once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, you move on to advanced techniques. There’s a natural progression in the curriculum, designed to build a strong foundation of knowledge.

In particular, look at the number of hours that are offered. Becoming a master hypnotherapist takes time, and true certification requires a minimum of 250 hours of coursework.

2. Depth of Training

Does the school offer in-depth coursework in hypnosis techniques? Will you learn about hypnosis for various conditions? 

These are all questions you should ask. Many weekend “certification” courses do not offer the depth you’ll find in a true certification program. So be sure to examine the curriculum. The best schools provide advanced training on a range of hypnosis topics. They guarantee to provide mastery of hypnotherapy.

3. Faculty and Instructors

The best hypnosis schools employ well-trained teachers (who are very often successful hypnotherapy practitioners, themselves). As you begin to research options, look into the faculty. Are the teachers trained? Have they earned hypnosis teaching certifications? What are their credentials?

You want to learn from the best! If the school’s teachers have completed many advanced training courses, if they’ve earned teaching certificates, and if they’ve run successful hypnotherapy practices – that’s a good sign that you’ll be receiving a quality education.

4. Industry Approved

The most reputable training programs have been reviewed and approved by industry trade groups like the IHF. This means they meet or exceed industry-accepted standards, which is often 250+ hours of coursework, as well as in-depth training on a number of hypnosis techniques.

To earn approval, the school’s faculty must also prove their credentials, and in many cases, they must complete special master training courses. Bottom line: Choosing an approved school can help you narrow your list down to the best. 

5. Ongoing Support

Training doesn’t end after you’ve completed the course. Hypnotherapists are continually learning, and as you launch your business, it’s helpful to have mentors in your corner that are willing to offer advice.

Ask about the school’s networking and support opportunities. Does the school like to stay in touch with graduates? An established network is a solid indicator of a quality program.

6. Business Training

So many schools fall short in business training. You have the skills and expertise to practice hypnotherapy, but you’re given too little training to launch your business.

Choose a school that includes business training in its curriculum. You should learn how to launch, sustain and grow a successful hypnotherapy practice.

Become a Certified Hypnotherapist: Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for a little more information? To help you better understand what certification means, here are answers to some of the most common queries.

Q. What Does the Certified Hypnotherapist Title Mean?

There are a few industry regulating organizations that offer hypnotherapy certification. The International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT) and the International Hypnosis Federation are two of the most recognized.

Each of these organizations has different requirements for earning certification. To gain certification through the IACT, for example, practitioners must have completed 220+ hours of coursework (including 110 hours of classroom work). Similarly, the IHF requires a “mastery of hypnotism,” as well as skills in specific hypnotism techniques to be certified and about 250 hours of training.

Q. What Are the Benefits of Hypnosis Certification?

From a boost in credibility to expanding your skills, taking a hypnotherapy certification course offers immeasurable benefits:

  • Credibility for Your Practice: Adding the title “Certified Hypnotherapist” to your business card adds instant credibility. Your clients and colleagues will recognize that you’ve undergone rigorous study to master hypnosis technique.
  • In-Depth Knowledge: Certification courses provide in-depth training and go into detail about the latest research, philosophy, and training in the field. You’ll become an expert on how and why to use hypnotherapy, and the subconscious mind’s role in habit-forming.
  • Networking and Support: Earning certification is a requirement for joining many industry trade groups, which can help to grow your practice and keep you connected to colleagues in the industry.
  • Growing Acceptance of Hypnosis: Certification also increases the legitimacy of the industry. A certification shows that this isn’t just something you’ve learned during a weekend seminar – you’ve spent a substantial amount studying the subject.

Q. What is the Average Salary of a Hypnotherapist?  

A thriving, full-time hypnotherapy business can be very profitable. A master hypnotherapist typically earns $100 to $300 per hour. A full-time hypnotherapist in the U.S. earns an average of $180,000 to $316,000 per year.

Q. What’s the Demand for Hypnosis?

Demand for high-quality hypnotherapy continues to grow. In recent years, hypnotherapy has gained acceptance from the medical establishment, and a number of healthcare professionals — from dentists to psychiatrists – now prescribe hypnosis. In other words, there’s never been a better time to be a hypnotherapist.

Q. What Are the Requirements for Certification?

Certification requirements vary by organization. In general, certification requires applicants to show “mastery” of hypnosis and hypnotherapy skills. The International Association of Counselors and Therapists, for example, requires first-time applicants to complete 220 hours of coursework. In general, most certifications in hypnotherapy require about 250 hours of coursework.

Some organizations also require that both classroom training – which can be completed online – as well as in-person sessions are completed. Ultimately, you should plan on completing at least 250 hours of coursework.

Q. How Do I Become a Certified Hypnotherapist?

Certification first requires you to complete a training program, and these programs include both coursework and in-person training. In general, most standard programs can be completed in as little as six months.

The Grace Method hypnotherapy certification program, for instance, requires 24 weeks of online coursework (although you can complete the coursework more quickly). This establishes a foundation of skills and knowledge in hypnotherapy. Additionally, the Grace Method program requires two in-person training sessions, during which you gain hands-on training in live hypnosis sessions.

Once you’ve completed coursework, you can apply for certification with a governing body like the IHF or ACT. Most organizations require you to apply and pay an application fee. Some certification boards also require you to take a test to earn the credential. Typically, if you’ve taken a high-quality course and completed the necessary amount of coursework, you’ll be prepared to earn certification.

Q. Do I Need a License to Practice Hypnotherapy? 

In almost every country in the world, hypnotherapy is a self-regulating industry, and that means you don’t need a license to practice. Since 2010, for example, hypnosis has been deregulated in every Australian state, meaning that no licenses or filing with state health organizations are required.

In the U.S., hypnotherapy is also self-regulated, although the laws vary by state. In Washington State, for example, hypnotherapists must file with the State Board of Health but do not need certification or a license to practice, and in Colorado, Connecticut and Indiana also require hypnotherapists to register with the state. Additionally, California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey and Utah have specific local and state laws that apply to hypnotherapists.

Ultimately, though, in the majority of locations around the world, you don’t need a license to practice. Instead, you just need the proper training.

Q. How Much Does Hypnotherapy Certification Cost?

The best hypnotherapy schools offer certification preparation programs that range between $3,500-$10,000, which includes access to online learning materials and in-person study. That sounds like a lot. But when you break it down by hours, it works out to about $15 per hour of coursework!

Costs for certification, on the other hand, vary by organization, but they remain affordable. Most organizations require an application fee of $100-$150 for certification.  

Start Your Journey to Becoming Certified Hypnotherapist Today!

Today, it’s easier than ever to learn hypnotherapy. You can learn the basics online, attend virtual seminars, and you have numerous resources and networking opportunities at your fingertips.

In other words, there’s nothing standing in your way.

Remember, though, earning certification requires dedication, curiosity and grit. But if you stick with it – and find a school that’s focused on helping you succeed – you’ll be on your way to helping people live happier, healthier lives. 

Grace Method: Become a Certified Hypnotherapist

We regularly offer certification courses through our hypnotherapy school. Schedule an informational call to learn more, or request more information. New courses are open now.