I thought [hypnosis] was more of a trick during events…. never thought it would really work for me.
– smoking- yes that night I had one more cigarette and after that never touched it again. EVER
– weightloss- this is so much deeper than I think the smoking was… still a work in progress but I’m now 20lbs lighter than before I got pregnant 😉
– stress reduction at work- YES!!! So many great tools- I thought I was going to lose my job, and I am getting promoted to VP of Revenue… executive level, WHAT!!
I’ve been thinking a lot about Grace Smith lately and how a simple Groupon has DRAMATICALLY changed my life! Â It would be easier to discuss over the phone but short answer is – I went in to quit smoking and did immediately, then went back for weight loss, then trouble began at work simultaneously. Â I thought for sure I was going to be fired, just negativity all around me. I hated my life, my job and I wanted out! Grace Smith taught me that… my job isn’t everything, and to start manifesting my destination. I wanted to move to Austin, Texas so badly… and I kept on dreaming about it. Â I had the perfect vision with me and two kids and my husband in what I thought was Austin, Texas. Â Up until this point I didn’t want children… but then things started to pour out of me with Grace Smith. The next thing I knew I was pregnant, and I had a boy who my husband insisted we named Austin (he was dead set against having children!!!) So talk about manifestation, but in a very different way. Â Anyways, now I’m working with people outside of work for health and fitness, which is my passion and my outlet from work. I’ve met a wonderful girl because of Grace Smith related to BeachBody… I’ve made new friends and started a way new chapter in my life. AND I can’t help to think that this all started with a Groupon with Grace. Â [Grace Smith has] been a pivotal person in my life to help me change into wanting to lead my life by design, and not by accident. I’m still very much a work in progress, but I have a very deep special spot in my heart for Grace Smith and the work she has done for me and so many others.