I thought [hypnosis] was something that required time to do…I was always very interested; however, strayed away because I simply don’t have ‘me time’. The short and simple hypnosis Grace Smith shares with us are not only beautiful but handy tools we can utilize throughout our ‘busy’ days. THANK YOU!
I didn’t realize I had a problem or challenge that I wanted to fix until after practicing [Grace Smith’s] hypnosis and realizing that I could do a way better job of stabilizing my thoughts, mind and emotions through hypnosis.
I am always on the lookout for positivity in my life. Prior to [Grace Smith’s] hypnosis, I felt extremely confident that I am way on a path of peace, love and harmony. I work in wellness and it’s programs like yours that helps ‘all’ life paths that are continuously needed in our lovely world. I began to practice your online hypnosis with the intention of simply taking a few seconds/minutes to practice mindfulness and positive affirmations. Several times into the practices I noticed these repetitions began to serve me with the challenges/struggles that came my way. They were loud and clear, “I am safe” when I unconsciously felt fear. “Take a deep letting go breath” when I dwelled on unnecessary attachments. Etc. That’s when I realized that [Grace Smith’s] hypnosis [tools] are installing not only a tool to interrupt and redirect but an alarm system that is making me more mindful of what/why I’m feeling. I am extremely grateful for this new journey of getting to know and manage thyself in a loving and healthy way. Beatitude!