Hypnosis in Miami with Certified Hypnotherapists
Grace offers hypnotherapy in Miami over the phone or via video call. We’ve done more hypnotherapy sessions than any practice in the world (20,000+ and counting).
In just 45 minutes per week you can turn your life around with the help of a Grace Method Certified Hypnotherapist.

In the press

Grace talks to Dr. Oz about the power of hypnotherapy and how it can help heal lower back pain in one participant.

Grace uses hypnotherapy to help a patient overcome her sugar addiction on a live segment of The Doctors.

Grace talks to Dr. Oz about the power of hypnotherapy and how it can help heal lower back pain in one participant.

Why Online Hypnotherapy is Much More Effective than In-Person Hypnotherapy
Grace Smith, our founder, quickly noticed a significant difference in her clients’ demeanor during these online sessions compared to in-person sessions. Typically, clients coming in person might arrive stressed due to delays in the NYC subway, the hustle of city life, or the simple frustration of navigating to the office in between meetings. In contrast, clients attending sessions online via Skype showed up on time, relaxed, and sometimes even in their pajamas. This relaxed state not only made the sessions start from a more relaxed state, but also extended the therapeutic effects well beyond the session’s end. Anecdotally, Grace then noticed the positive outcomes of these client sessions improving faster than those of in-person sessions. This ultimately led to Grace Hypnotherapy moving completely online in 2014. Long-before the pandemic pushed other businesses online, we had chosen to be there for the benefit of our clients.
The reason for these improved outcomes is linked to the theta brainwave state, which is associated with deep relaxation and heightened receptiveness to hypnotherapy. Online sessions naturally foster an environment that supports entering and sustaining this beneficial theta brainwave state. Without the stressors of commuting and the immediate need to re-engage with the outside world post-session, clients can more easily enter the theta state and remain in it longer. Post-session, clients can choose to nap, journal, or take a bubble bath, further extending the relaxation and therapeutic benefits of their session.
The effectiveness of hypnotherapy, especially regarding accessibility, convenience, and maintaining a state of relaxation, is significantly enhanced in our zoom-based sessions. At Grace Hypnotherapy, we’ve recognized and leveraged these benefits and our team of world class hypnotherapists have been specifically trained to help you achieve your goals online.

Our 45-minute sessions follow a 3-step protocol:
Part 1) The Hypnotherapist will start by listening to you and what your goals are, establishing a plan of action.
Part 2) The Hypnotherapist will guide you through an incredibly relaxing induction.
Part 3) The core of your hypnosis session, where you will be able to identify the root source of your challenges, and recondition your subconscious mind for success.

$200 $150 / week
About Our Hypnotherapy Team

What our clients are saying

Try online hypnotherapy for
Stress & Anxiety
Health & weight loss
High performance
Spiritual development
Fertility & birth
Bad habits & addictions
Fears & phobias
$200 $150 / week
Try online hypnotherapy for
Stress & Anxiety
Health & weight loss
Fertility & birth
Bad habits & addictions
High performance
Spiritual development
Fears & phobias
and more…
customize your sessions to your life’s needs
$200 $150 / week
Still have questions?
How do I book my first session?
How do I prepare for my session?
- Tell your family members/coworkers you will be unavailable for 1 hour during the session
- Put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” mode, with notifications off
- Lie down comfortably in a couch or bed, wearing headphones if possible
How long is a hypnotherapy session? How is it structured?
- The Hypnotherapist will start by listening to you and what your goals are, establishing a plan of action (10-15 min)
- The Hypnotherapist will guide you through an incredibly relaxing hypnosis induction (10-15 min)
- The core of your hypnosis session, where you will be able to identify the root source of your challenges, and recondition your subconscious mind for success (~30 min)
Can I skip a week?
Can I reschedule a session?
How long do I have to schedule my sessions?
What if I'm international? Can I still have a session?
Are there any hidden costs?
Do you have any contracts?
A cancellation will stop the next auto-charge from happening, and you get to use the sessions you already paid for during this billing period. If for example, you complete 2 sessions and then cancel your account, you can complete your next 2 sessions and you won’t be charged next month.
What's the refund policy?
What are your Hypnotherapists' qualifications?
How many sessions do you recommend?
The following statistic will help to explain this finding with hypnotherapy:
A Survey of Psychotherapy Literature by Alfred A. Barrios, PhD., which was later reprinted in American Health Magazine, revealed the following recovery rates:
- Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
- Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
- Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions
While the average presented in this study was 6 sessions for 93% recovery, we have found that most of our clients completely work through an entire issue in less time, approximately 3-4 sessions, which means that with 12 sessions you are able to address approximately 3-4 areas of concern.
We have found that with at least 12 sessions we are able to access and resolve the root of an issue, which transforms the client in every facet of their lives.
Of course, some topics require more sessions than others, weight loss being one of them. If a client needs to lose 100lbs, that cannot be safely done in only 3-4 sessions and therefore 12+ sessions may be used for the various factors affecting the client and their need to lose weight.
How's this different from working with a hypnosis app?
Our hypnotherapy app, Grace, is used by thousands and thousands of people. The recordings, though, tend to be less personalized than working with a hypno coach. There is nothing generic about a private hypnotherapy session; it is 100% unique. It is just for you. That means you will experience transformation and shifts like never before in record time.