The Adventure of Sleep
This gorgeous book written by Grace Smith and illustrated by Amanda Oleander teaches children to sleep like a log, dream happy dreams, and wake up dry in the morning!
This book has been written to uniquely support an easy and calm bedtime experience utilizing the power of the theta brainwave state.
While most adults spend the vast majority of their time in a stressed out beta brainwave state, children under the age of 7 are more commonly than not already in the theta brainwave, which explains their amazing creativity and the way they soak up everything around them like a sponge.
Unfortunately their subconscious minds do not come with a helpful filter and so they are soaking up the good and the unhelpful in equal measure.
This book will help tip the scales in the direction of the good.

Resources for Kids
In this video, Grace reads The Adventure of Sleep out-loud to your little ones. You can play it for them any night you want to take a break from reading but still want them to hear the story.
You can also listen to it yourself before you read it out-loud for the first time to hear just how slow she reads certain pages or where she places emphasis so you can emulate the same during bedtime with your little ones.
In this video, Grace reads The Adventure of Sleep out-loud to your little ones. You can play it for them any night you want to take a break from reading but still want them to hear the story.
You can also listen to it yourself before you read it out-loud for the first time to hear just how slow she reads certain pages or where she places emphasis so you can emulate the same during bedtime with your little ones.

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more fun!
Resources for Parents
In this video, Grace will walk you through The Adventure of Sleep, explaining the reasoning behind different elements in the book as well as providing practical tips for how to make the most out of reading time with your littles.
She’ll briefly introduce you to hypnotherapy and how The Adventure of Sleep will help kids learn manage their emotions and stress levels. Click below to watch and learn just how this book will work with your little one’s subconscious mind to help train the to fall asleep quickly and look forward to bedtime.

Download our free coloring pages for more fun!
Resources for Parents
In this video, Grace will walk you through The Adventure of Sleep, explaining the reasoning behind different elements in the book as well as providing practical tips for how to make the most out of reading time with your littles.
She’ll briefly introduce you to hypnotherapy and how The Adventure of Sleep will help kids learn manage their emotions and stress levels. Click below to watch and learn just how this book will work with your little one’s subconscious mind to help train the to fall asleep quickly and look forward to bedtime.